Portfolio Analyst for Tradestation
With Portfolio Analyst for Tradestation or MultiCharts, you can combine Tradestation reports pluch so much more.
New! Portfolio Analyst Pro. Download 14 day fully functional trial here. Latest version build date 20241202.1
Portfolio Analyst Pro has Auto portfolio selection. This will chose the portfolio that gives the highest net profit / draw down.
Pro version also has Monte Carlo analysis & very basic money management. There is also a new field call criteria. You can for example limit your portfolio to say 5 energy systems, 3 crude oil systems, 2 long only systems. PA pro will choose the best ones according to your criteria.
All other features are shared with the basic version of Portfolio Analyst
PA also has correlation of bad days, weeks, months & contribution of all systems to total max draw down. Portfolio Intra day draw down also shown.
PA exports pdf, mht, html file & trade list in csv & excel format. There are two formats. Tradestation format, and simplified format.
Input is standard Tradestation/Multicharts XML format, or with a Strategy inserted on your chart.
Monte carlo simulation now added. Profit, long and short per day of week, month and week of year now added.
Download ZIPPED sample report HERE. Both simple format and standard are in the ZIP file.
Help file is HERE There are tool tips as well.
Analyst Professional $400
For discount / bundle options with Batch Processor, see here. Paypal link at the bottom of the page.