Secondary filters are critical to get right for each market.

For stock indices, nearly always the best secondary filter will be CloseminusClosedBPV

If auto is used, this will be selected normally

However most other markets will use GeneticAlgorithm. GA is normalized (made into a range of -100 to 100) while CloseLessPreveCloseDbpv is NOT

normalized. This gives very different results, and each market will have a strong preference to once of these.

Most non stock index markets will want GeneticAlgorithm with closeminusCloseDBPV. However crude oil, possible gold and other markets may work better with other secondary filters.

The secondary filters that work best tend to be those that work the the daily close, high, low and combinations of these.

Countertrend is also possible, but not yet well explored.

So the secondary filters you use need to be added into automation, and set to TRUE